Guide to Studying in Denmark

Study in Denmark

Denmark might look small on a world map and even compared to other Europe study abroad destinations but the courses offered here are some of the best in the world. Denmark has some of the best universites in the whole of Europe, not to mention world class cities, a high standard of living and also friendly natives. You could even get to ride your bike to lessons rather than taking a metro or bus - another bonus!

One of the best things about studying in Denmark is that tuition is free for students from the EU whilst fees are not that high for people applying from other destinations. Lots of courses are in English - perfect if you have no knowledge of the local language. Lecturers at universities will encourage you to think independently, creatively and critically. Danish universities put emphasis on developing your ability to question situations and think from new perspectives. 


Top Reasons to Study in Denmark

  • You’ll learn to think creatively
  • Your coursework will be challenging – in a good way
  • You’ll enjoy a sustainable, environmentally-friendly lifestyle
  • You’ll experience a society marked by equality and diversity
  • You’ll be prepared for a career
  • Denmark is very international student-friendly 


Popular Places to Study

  • Copenhagen
  • Aarhus
  • Aalborg


Best Universities in Denmark for International Students

The University of Copenhagen often gets voted as one of the top 100 universities in the word. Other places you might want to consider applying to include:

  • Aarhus University Aarhus University
  • Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Denmark
  • Aalborg University Aalborg University
  • University of Southern Denmark


Student Visas in Denmark

If you are a citizen of the European Union, Norway, or an ECC (European Economic Community) country, you will not need a permit to study abroad in Denmark. A residence permit is needed if you are applying from outside of these locations and if you plan to be in the country for more than 90 days. Applying for the permit as early as possible is highly recommended as sometimes the paperwork can take a long time to process - sometimes several months.  To get started you will need to have applied and been accepted to a university in Denmark. Once accepted they will provide you with a formal letter of acceptance which will be your application supporting document.



  • The American-Scandinavian Foundation offers scholarships for anyone seeking to study in Scandinavian countries.


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